“A Hole in the Head” is a classic film from 1959 that tells the story of a struggling widower who owns a rundown hotel in Miami. Tony, played by Frank Sinatra, is a hopeless optimist who wants to provide a good life for his son but can’t seem to get out of debt. His brother Mario, played by Edward G. Robinson, is a successful businessman who sees through Tony’s rose-colored glasses and tries to help him face reality. Along the way, Tony gets involved with an eccentric dancer named Shirl, played by Eleanor Parker, and must decide whether he will continue to dream big or settle for doing what it takes to make ends meet. The film is filled with colorful characters, catchy tunes, and witty dialogue that make it an entertaining slice of Americana from a simpler time.
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“A Hole in the Head” is a 1959 movie directed by Frank Capra that tells a heartwarming story of a father and son’s relationship. The movie, based on the Broadway play written by Arnold Schulman, stars Frank Sinatra as Tony Manetta, an irresponsible widower who is trying to raise his son, Alvin, played by Eddie Hodges. The film follows their journey as they navigate life’s challenges and ultimately learn valuable lessons about what truly matters in life.
The storyline of “A Hole in the Head” is centered around Tony Manetta’s struggle to keep his Miami hotel afloat and provide for his young son, Alvin. As he faces financial difficulties and mounting debts, he seeks help from his brother Mario, played by Edward G. Robinson. Through their interactions, it becomes clear that Tony is not only struggling financially but also emotionally. He finds himself at a crossroads as he must choose between being true to himself and providing for his son.
One of the most captivating aspects of this movie is its exceptional score. The iconic song “High Hopes,” written by Sammy Cahn and Jimmy Van Heusen, won an Academy Award for Best Original Song. This song has become synonymous with the film and captures the spirit of optimism that runs throughout.
The film features an outstanding cast led by Frank Sinatra’s impressive portrayal of Tony Manetta. His acting is a true testament to his talent as he balances both comedic and dramatic moments with ease. Eddie Hodges’ performance as Alvin is equally noteworthy as he delivers an adorable yet compelling depiction of a young boy caught between his father’s ambitions and societal expectations.
Despite being over half a century old, “A Hole in the Head” remains relevant today due to its timeless themes of love, family dynamics, and financial struggles – issues that are universally relatable regardless of time or place.
The production of this masterpiece was not without controversy though. The movie was filmed in the height of the Cold War, and during production, Frank Sinatra, a friend of President John F. Kennedy, insisted that a picture of the president be hung up on set as a sign of patriotism.
It is not every day that a movie like this comes around – one that both entertains and teaches valuable life lessons. The quote “One heart is not connected to another through harmony alone” from Maya Angelou truly encapsulates the film’s core message – that love, compassion, and sacrifice are crucial to building strong relationships.
The cinematography in this movie is nothing short of exceptional: it captures Miami’s sunny disposition in such an irresistible way that transports you there yourself. From the colorful sunsets to the vibrant party scenes, every frame is stunningly captured.
“A Hole in the Head” may have been produced over 60 years ago, but it still is relevant today. It remains a testament to Frank Capra’s filmmaking prowess and creativity: blending humor with drama and some excellent storytelling abilities.
Opinions on this film are somewhat mixed: some praise it for its realistic portrayal of family dynamics while others criticize it for being too idealistic. However, regardless of what side one falls on, there is no denying that this movie has its place in history as a classic example of American cinema at its best.
Overall if you’re looking for an enriching experience with great music scores and actors who offer amazing performances wrapped up in a story about love and family values with enough drama mixed with lightheartedness to keep your attention riveted till the end – “A Hole in The Head” is definitely worth watching!
Technical Data
- Runtime : 120
- Release : 1959-09-15
- Genre : Comedy
- Cast : Frank Sinatra as Tony Manetta, Eddie Hodges as Ally Manetta, Edward G. Robinson as Mario Manetta, Eleanor Parker as Eloise Rogers, Thelma Ritter as Sophie Manetta
- Crew : Frank Capra as Director, Frank Capra as Producer, William H. Daniels as Director of Photography, Frank Sinatra as Executive Producer, Nelson Riddle as Original Music Composer
- Popularity 3.444
- Budget : 0
- Revenue : 0
- Company : SinCap Productions
- Summary : An impractical widower tries to hang onto his Miami hotel and his 12-year-old son.
- Tagline : The most wonderful entertainment in the whole wide wonderful world!